This is a Virtual Reality Game made by Unity. Play through the lens of a young, Japanese girl as she progresses through a story of loss and coming to terms with grief through music by throwing old record discs around her imaginary apartment.
Final Video
Game Features
Record Throwing
The player has infinite records that they can throw around the room at objects
Projectile arc for aiming
Interactable Story Panels
Player can throw floor panels around the room
Successfully throwing the record at these objects will trigger story and dialogue events plus some nice visual and audio changes
Story Overview
This is a story about Japanese girl Reina who moved to America when she was young.
Reina lost her mom after she moved to America.
The platform will move up and down as the music plays
Coordinate system pulsing with the beat
The turntable will play music with Records is thrown on it
Dialogue Sample
Mom tried to teach me the locations of countries on the globe.
The distance on the globe turns out to be a super long 13-hour flight.
I frequently caught myself gazing at the country we left behind.
I wish I could see Mom.
— The globe (panel C)
Mom used to make me breakfast.
But when things got worse, those warm mornings became rare occasions.
I know she always wants me to be more independent.
But the good days were gone too fast before I could realize it.
— Breakfast food (panel D)
“It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.”
— Quote Source
My teammate tested the dialog box in the environment and we both agreed to use 80% white as the background color of the box (later we changed it to white). We want the dialogue box to be as simple as possible so it won’t distract players’ attention but also want it to match the overall theme.
Yifan Chen
Design the overall story and gameplay. Collaborate with Wendi to write the dialogue. Designed and implemented the UI.
Brandan Chen
Implemented panel hit response system, Sound Effects, and progression.
Shangyi Zhu
Implemented the Game Mechanics and turntable, and properly scaled the model. Implemented the platform and credit scene.
Wendi Yin
Collaborate with Yifan to design the story and dialogue. Found the sound effects and voice for the dialogue.
Gaia Rajan
Implemented the throw mechanics (replaced in final version)
Bosi Li
Design and build the 3D model of the game.